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Photo of a person in a white futuristic outfit, posing robotically.
February 20, 2024 · 5 min read

Could AI meet your web development needs?

One thing you might have recently Googled is “Will AI replace web developers?”

At Gun, this question scares us. As a world leader in matching companies with top tech talent, developers are our lifeblood, and the thought of robots taking over web development keeps us up at night.

But can AI really replace humans?

In this post, we’ll consider these questions from all angles. We’ll pick them up, shake them, and leave our egos at the door as we inspect these questions brutally and honestly.

Let’s start with where we are now with AI in web development.

AI in web development: the current state

I know it. You know it. We all know it.

AI has left its mark.

From chatbots to AI influencers, tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney have proved their worth. They’re here to stay.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, web development is another arena where AI has established itself, ushering in a wave of new tools for web development. We can list half a dozen straight off the bat: Notion, Jasper, Canva, Hotjar, Runway, Dall-e, Uizard…

If we were to write this article tomorrow, we could probably find another batch of freshly-minted .ai domains.

Although this proliferation of AI tools for web development might seem bleak, it’s actually a blessing. 

Gone are the days when developers were mired in the drudgery of repetitive tasks, struggling to make time for more meaningful projects. Thanks to AI, developers have freed themselves from mundane chores. This means they can channel their efforts into fixing real business problems.

For example, with their capacity to simulate and predict user behavior, AI algorithms can automate testing. Developers can then build apps free from bugs and optimized for various screen sizes, resolutions, and browser preferences.

In other words, AI tools for web development elevate the quality and efficiency of projects when used by highly skilled developers.

Humans and robots can work together.

The benefits of using AI in web development

We’ve touched on some of these already, but here are the main benefits of using AI tools for web development.

Efficiency and speed

Mundane chores like code generation, optimization, and repetitive testing can be palmed off to AI algorithms, helping developers channel their efforts into more creative and productive elements of web development.

Using AI tools means developers can meet tighter deadlines without compromising on quality.


One-size-fits-all websites will fade into the background as AI ushers in a new era of hyper-personalized user experiences.

Think of Netflix and YouTube. By analyzing user data and behavior, AI can tailor content, recommendations, and interactions to align with individual preferences. 

This personalization improves user engagement. It also fosters a sense of connection between users and the websites they visit. Whether suggesting relevant products, curating content, or adapting interfaces, AI-driven personalization can amplify user satisfaction and loyalty.

Data analysis

AI can be a helpful navigator in a vast ocean of data.

For example, AI can help developers process huge swaths of user interactions, traffic patterns, and content performance data in digital marketing. These insights then help developers make more informed decisions.

By discerning trends, identifying strengths, and pinpointing areas for improvement, AI-driven data analysis becomes an invaluable compass, guiding the development journey toward more impactful outcomes.

Photo of a tablet open to a site containing website traffic insights

Why you’ll still need a developer for your web development needs

Achieving full automation in web development will be challenging. 

Although AI has progressed remarkably in the past few years, there are nuances and complexities in web development that robots need humans for.

Let’s take a closer look.

Creativity and intuition

Web development is as much an art as it is a science. Creative problem-solving and intuitive design choices by humans give websites their charm.

While AI has come a long way, replicating human creativity remains a formidable challenge. The nuance, emotion, and lateral thinking humans bring elude even the most advanced AI algorithms.

Continuous learning

Web development is always changing.

As this Redditor points out,

Screenshot of a reddit posting
Screenshot from Reddit

Trends, technologies, and user preferences morph with breathtaking speed. They demand constant adaptation. 

And although AI systems excel at learning, the dynamic nature of web development makes it difficult for AI to keep up.

Human touch

The human touch is perhaps web development’s most intangible yet invaluable aspect.

Building relationships, empathizing with client needs, and co-creating innovative solutions require a level of emotional intelligence that AI struggles to replicate.

Robots might get there in the future, but they’re not there yet.

The verdict: Collaboration, not replacement

It’s clear that AI has changed web development forever – and it’s here to stay. 

But replacing web developers completely?

We don’t buy it.

AI and human developers can build incredible apps together, and this symbiotic relationship shows no signs of slowing down. AI tools improve efficiency and provide insights, while humans bring their blend of creativity, intuition, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence to the table.

Thank goodness for that!

With this in mind, are you looking to hire a human developer? If so, we can help!

Here at Gun, we help companies of all sizes – from Fortune 500s to startups – hire the best tech talent in days so that you can do more of what matters. Contact us today to learn more!