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February 15, 2024 · 4 min read

Managing up for software engineers

“Managing up” might give you flashbacks of an incompetent manager you can’t stand working with. They’re constantly micromanaging, giving vague feedback, and forcing you to work overtime. So you go over their heads and report to their manager.

The good news is managing up for software engineers doesn’t have to be something that’s frowned upon. 

That’s because managing up isn’t about trying to “fix” a bad manager or manipulating them into doing what you want. It’s about being the best you can be and making your manager’s day-to-day job easier.

And despite the stereotypes of working alone, software engineers must also develop soft skills in order to manage up effectively.

So in this blog, we’ll explore how you can manage up effectively and why managing up is important.

What is managing up?

According to Harvard Business Review, managing up is “being the most effective employee you can be, creating value for your boss and your company.”

This means managing up is not:

  • Going above your manager’s head so people listen to your ideas
  • Trying to manage your manager instead
  • Molding your manager into someone different
  • Judging your manager’s behaviors or abilities

Instead, managing up means:

  • Developing a positive and productive relationship with your manager
  • Understanding what your manager wants to achieve
  • Communicating your preferred work and communication style
  • Adapting to your manager’s way of working
  • Anticipating your manager’s needs

The principle of managing up is understanding. By becoming aware of what their goals are and how your manager operates, you can develop a healthy relationship that’s beneficial not only to you both but also the company you work for.

Examples of managing up

Here’s how managing up for software engineers can look:

  • Reaching out to your manager when you need help
  • Scheduling 1-on-1 meetings at a time that work well for you both
  • Keeping your manager up-to-date on your projects, especially if there are delays
  • Stepping up to support your manager when you have the time

Tips for managing up and best soft skills for software engineers

Part of managing up is using the soft skills of a great manager to support your own manager. Here are some of these best soft skills for software engineers you can apply when managing up with your boss.

1. Be caring

Caring managers take time to get to know the people in their team. Likewise, employees who manage up take time to get to know their boss. Show genuine interest in your manager’s well-being, empathize with their experiences, and celebrate their successes.

2. Coach

While you don’t need to be a coach per se, providing helpful feedback to your manager is something you can do. If your boss asks if there are things they can do to help you improve, give them an honest answer.

3. Communicate

Understanding your manager’s communication style is a great way to manage up for software engineers. For example, alongside regular 1-on-1s, how should you reach out if you have questions? You can meet your manager’s needs by actively listening to them.

4. Develop

Understanding your manager’s career development plans can help you manage up. For example, if your manager wants to become you department’s VP, how can you support them? While your manager looks out for your career development, find ways to support theirs.

5. Be emotionally resilient

Can you thrive under pressure and remain productive? Can you help your manager when they’re feeling stressed? Being a pillar of support is a great way to manage up. If you notice your manager struggling with a heavy workload, offer to help them out. Maybe you could run a team meeting or take on extra work. They’ll thank you for it.

6. Overall manager effectiveness

People love recommending effective managers to others, and the people they manage feel valued. Your effectiveness when managing up depends on the same things: making your manager feel valued and enjoying mutual success.

7. Results-oriented

With a results-oriented manager, managing up for software engineers is acknowledging and surpassing performance standards. Supporting your teammates in maintaining performance standards helps your manager (and your team) succeed.

8. Technical capability

You could teach your manager a few things if you have greater technical skills than them. Managers are not always well-versed in new tools, but perhaps you’ve had experience with one in your role. Take the time to give them support with new technologies.

9. Vision and goal setting

Does your manager help you see the vision and strategy of your company? Let them know that you appreciate it. When your manager knows you understand your role and how it contributes to the company’s success, they can focus on results.

Are you looking for the best software engineers who will proactively manage up to you?

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